Materials: cork balls of varying sizes, a large disk and flat cork cord crafted in our studio.
Size: The cork bead bookmark is designed with a customisable length ensuring a perfect fit for all literary adventures, including large books.
Cork Beads:
The cork beads, once used as fishing floaters, are now repurposed by Folclore Crafts as eco-friendly cork craft supplies. The cork is sourced from Portuguese forests, ensuring it is 100% natural, renewable, recyclable, and biodegradable. The beads are made at cork workshop, one by one, being this job a traditional craftsmanship activity that we love to cherish.
Cork Cord:
This material is handcrafted in our studio using a double-sided cork fabric, a unique material created in a partnership with a local cork factory.
Harvesting cork is a sustainable practice as it doesn't harm the cork-oak tree. The bark is carefully harvested, allowing a new layer to grow back over nine years. This makes cork a renewable resource with minimal environmental impact.
Cork has a rich history dating back thousands of years. Your purchase contributes to the preservation of this tradition. Join us in using cork creatively, and our forests thank you!